Hallo, carmen hat gesagt: // carmen wrote:
sounds useful. it recently came up on IRC that abstraction-loadbangs don't work properly:
21:44 ClaudiusM internal messaging question: why don't abstractions you create with "; pd-blah obj 1 2 myabstraction a b c" get loadbang'd? 21:55 ClaudiusM hmm, i think i can create a receive in the abstraction dependant on abstraction arguments and send a bang to that... 22:02 ClaudiusM can i do this in each abstraction i want to really loadbang on dynamic creation? [r MEGA_HACKY_LOADBANG_MEGA_HACK]--[once]--[f $0]--[makefilename pd-%d-myabstraction.pd]--"; $1 loadbang"
This problem already has another fix, which isn't as known as it should be.
Instead of [r MEGA_HACKY_LOADBANG_MEGA_HACK] you should just send the message "loadbang" to the subpatch's receiver:
[; pd-subpatch obj 10 20 myabstraction; pd-subpatch loadbang(
See attached.
Why auto-generated abstractions don't receive a loadbang autoamtically has been discussed several times in the past. I don't remember the reasons, but there were reasons.