Hallo, Julius Smith hat gesagt: // Julius Smith wrote:
Thanks for the help. Is there a recommended way to access this function [class_sethelpsymbol(t_class *c, t_symbol *s)] via flext?
It still seems to me that the default behavior (removing the tilde) is incorrect.
I think it's "flext_obj::DefineHelp" defined in flbase.cpp I tend to avoid this though, because I prefer to just use the default behaviour, not because it would be the correct thing to do, but because of ease of maintainance: If someone (Miller) decides, that for example not removing the tilde is better, I wouldn't need to change the source code, I'd just rename the help file.
I actually agree that retaining the tilde is better, because it avoids conflicts between non- and signal externals which carry the same name (like cos and cos~)