Gem cyclone zexy creb cxc iemlib list-abs mapping markex maxlib memento
mjlib motex oscx pddp pdogg pixeltango pmpd rradical sigpack smlib toxy unauthorized vbap pan freeverb hcs jmmmp ext13 ggee iem_anything flib ekext flatspace pdp pidip
I think it should be something like:
cyclone zexy creb iemlib ggee iem_anything flatspace
i don't understand the real goal of extended, wasn't it to include as much libraries as possible? ( and not to rewrite the gui ? )
second, i dunno why you made unauthorized into a lib, when it was really allright to have all objects separated in extra.. thus loaded when needed. you never asked my opinion about this neither...
and also people writing on the list saying you shouldn't use that external, i have a brilliant workaround, etc...
i see that the pd community if ever it existed is now getting a pyramidal structure where some people take decisions for all, cool..
xiaooo, sevy