Hi all:
is desiredata still alive? i posted a couple of messages about trying to get an OSX version from SVN compiling a month or two ago and never got any replies..
DesireData has been in hibernation, let's say;) but still alive, at least i hope. hum, i didn't see your messages, i guess you have subscribed to the list? also, DesireData don't have its own SVN, its part of PD's CVS.
yeah, i posted them on the desiredata list..
oh, i think that's what i meant by SVN. haha..
a while ago (8 months or so) someone helped us to to get it going on OSX, but i didn't get to test out fully how well or badly it worked on OSX:/
yeah, i remember having it working on OSX some months ago, but without any sound support. i can't remember which source tarball i used to build it but the latest version doesn't build.
i'll find some time to get on irc and try and make it work sometime soon..
cheers d