I am very excited to have your code included in the CVS since I plan on using them shortly. I'll definitely add them to the next MacOS X and Windows installers. Do you know of any patch that uses the physical models attached to input devices, like a mouse or joystick?
"cvs import" is used for starting a new module, like 'externals' or 'pd', at the root of the CVS. You just need to "cvs add" your directory and folders. Here's how I work with the pure-data CVS:
mkdir ~/cvs cd ~/cvs export CVS_RSH=ssh export CVSROOT=":ext:eighthave@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/pure-data" cvs checkout pd cvs checkout externals cd externals cp -a /path/to/pmpd . cvs add pmpd cd pmpd cvs add *.c cvs commit -m "this is a comment about the changes I made in this commit"
(a lot of externals include m_pd.h, m_imp.h, etc. from the pd src, that's why its good to check it out also, even if you are not going to use it at all).
On Saturday, Mar 13, 2004, at 11:15 America/New_York, cyrille.henry wrote:
thanks Frank,
I'm triing to add pmpd to the cvs, but I've got a problem to log with my new acount.
I'm doing what's on pd page on sourceforge :
[cyrille@nunux cyrille]$ export CVS_RSH=ssh [cyrille@nunux cyrille]$ cvs -z3 -d:ext:nusmuk@cvs.pure-data.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/pure-data import externals/pmpd nusmuk source-dist nusmuk@cvs.pure-data.sourceforge.net's password: Permission denied, please try again.
i'm using the nusmuk user acount password.
I'm not really familiar with cvs, so I don't really know what I should do...
maybee someone can help?
thanks a lot
Frank Barknecht a écrit:
Hallo, just a short note for those interested: I added Cyrille Henry as developer ("nusmuk") to the SF.net repository. Expect the loads of fun, I already have with "pmpd - Physical Modelling for pd", in your CVS soon as well. ;) ciao
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