Zitiere Georg Holzmann grhPD@gmx.at:
PS: looking forward to the time where i can compile everything without having to switch to w32. btw, is there a w32 cross-compiler setup at sourceforge?
I don't know what's on SourceForge, but it should be relatively easy
set up on Debian, I believe its all packaged:
oh gosh, and i always did "aptitude install mingw32" :-)
the page is a great ressource for getting started, but unfortunately it does not seem to hold any hint to my specific problem (my problem is not with setting up a cross-compilation environment (i have one working for 1 year or so), but with a weird behaviour at optimization - and even weirder since it works fine with one library and not with another one)
btw: how do you crosscompile things, which depend on other libraries ? (e.g. Gem)
well, that's on my todo list. once i get to Gem, i think the real problems will be at linking to DirectX. i think thoralf has managed to compile Gem with mingw on w32 (no cross-compilation) i guess one could build on that.
mfg.asdr. IOhannes