Could these threaded clock functions be the cause for the problems Hans Christoph reported with the CVS version ?
I don't think there are any influences on externals which don't use threads. It's only a local mutex that is solely used by the clock functions and only if they are called concurrently by separate threads. Also, it's quite unlikely that a mutex lock will occur, that's why also with my massively threaded vasp library i never encountered problems while working with the standard pd distribution.
My tests with the pthreads implementations revealed no critical timing delays associated with mutex locking. One thread lock/unlock passage requires about 0.03 ms (Pentium 200/Linux and PIII-800/Windows). As the locking code in clock_set is very short this should be the maximum observed delay when using threads.
However, i'll revisit Hans Christoph's problem report as soon as my IMAP server is running again....
greetings, Thomas