Thanks for the intro! I support this because we definitely need someone to finish up the details of a full 64-bit port!
On Nov 25, 2008, at 9:17 PM, Ilias Anagnostopoulos wrote:
Quote: "Please send your request to the pd-dev mailing list, together with an introduction about your person and what you are doing."
So here it is:
Hello everyone,
My real name is Ilias, but I'm better known as Jesus. I build things, mostly hardware, mostly sound-related, and mostly using analogue electronic circuits. I've built a home-made Analogue Modular Audio/Visual Synthesizer called Bob, which took me two years to complete, while on the road, driving from Greece (where I was born) to the UK (where I live) and back several times. During that period I also performed a lot around Europe and the Balkans with my band (I Knew Them) and with my electronic devices (Jesus is Angry). My most recent project was building a Theremin with a proximity sensor for the pitch and a luminance sensor for the volume.
As far as computers are concerned, I am a GNU/Linux user and supporter. My software-views tend to be closer to the Free Software idea, as in Free Speech. I maintain the OtherSide (http://otherside.servebeer.com) which hosts some of my projects. I generally work on software that I really like using, since my inspiration comes from my need to do things that are not already there, or do the things that are there better, if possible.
I have been using PD for a while now, mostly as a tool to explore ideas that I then might implement to hardware. I am inspired by the networking side of things when it comes to PD. I have created the OtherSide PD system, a web-based collaborative synthesis system, based on PD but also using IRC, a Python IRC bot, and the festival speech synthesis system, during an MA course in Sonic Art and Media Production, in the University of Sheffield Sound Studios. I am now doing a PhD in Hybrid Modular Synthesis Systems in the same institution where I also teach. I am interested in using computers and analogue electronics to create hybrid systems for audio and video synthesis. I am currently working with PD and have access to a couple of Arduinos to play with. I have created an Ubuntu Intrepid 8.10 Package for PD-extended, which has been added to the list on the website. I am also working on a -functional- 64-bit version of PD-extended, since I have access to a 64-bit Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy system. Unfortunately, since this is in campus and is behind a firewall, it is not easy for me to offer it as a PdLab machine. I'd be happy to do a 64-bit branch when I make it work and offer deb (and maybe rpm) packages. I am trying to convince the Computer Services in the USSS to host an APT repository so I can have these things available there. I'd be equally happy if they were hosted at the existing PD APT. I also have an idea about a PD-server branch, to be used on headless server systems with no GUI, for networking.
So to sum up, if you haven't been bored to death reading so far, I'd like to get involved with the PD project as a dev. I've created a Sourceforge account with the username jesushero and name Jesus H.
PS: Sorry Gunter, didn't realize until now that the horrible DNS at the University sends emails as user@sheffield.ac.uk instead of user@shef.ac.uk - Re-registered...
Pd-dev mailing list Pd-dev@iem.at http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-dev
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