This is exactly the reason why I am unwilling to work on pd-devel. I have spent far too long on build systems and creating cross-platform packages that actually work. I have yet to see a downloadable binary that works for pd-devel since I stopped doing it at devel_0_37. I have zero interest in applying my knowledge when all I get in return is hostility. But its all free software, so feel free to do so yourself.
i can't follow this point ... it's perfectly possible to write a script in your favorite scripting language that downloads external sources decompresses and installs them (maybe not asiosdk, since it's proprietary)...
scons e.g. offers the possibility to download sources directly from a cvs / svn / bitkeeper repository ... if you want to implement a 1-click solution, this would be the easiest way to go ... but i know, you dislike scons, it's possible to do that in each other scripting language ... possibly you can even implement this with pd ...