2 more examples, but this time having nothing to do with pdtk_post but with other commands overlapping (in this case both appear to be truncated versions of 2 .x8d7b968.c). Something appears to be awful wrong with the way these things are getting enqueued.
BTW, overclocking the laptop lowers the likelihood of this occurring, or in other words, the system remains stable longer.
wrote 737 of 737 missing close-brace .x8d7b968.c itemconfigure 8e5d868LABEL -text {All sounds off} invalid command name ".x8d.x8d7b968.c" wrote 63 of 63
wrote 596 of 596 missing close-brace .x8d7b968.c itemconfigure 8e5d868LABEL -text {All sounds off} wrote 63 of 63 invalid command name ".x8d7b968..x8d7b968.c" .x8d7b968.c itemconfigure 8e5cb58BUT -fill #fc0400 wrote 51 of 51