I often use GEM object like [alternate] and [oneshot] in all sorts of patches, but I don't always have GEM installed on all the machines I work on (esp on Debian since pd-gem isn't apt-gettable AFAIK). So I was thinking that it might make sense to move the general objects in GEM (most of the ones in src/MarkEx) to the pure-data.sf.net CVS so that they can be included as part of the pd-externals grand package of all externals than don't have lib dependencies. This would also make sense since the rest of GEM has lots of dependencies.
I'll do the work of putting them in to pure-data CVS, under markex, if people think this is worthwhile. It looks like every object in src/MarkEx except hsvrgb are free of anything but the most basic deps (<math.h>, <stdio.h>, <stdlib.h>)
This would also have the added benefit of dealing with two name conflicts [counter] and [change].
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