now i also need to add my grain of salt to this thread.
- When the pointer device you are using is imprecise, you can't
even hit an inlet 90% of the time. For example, ever tried patching on a touchscreen?
or a trackpoint, ball mouse, vnc/rdesktop. do you have any suggestions... auto-zoom the objects on mouseover, a la the MacOSX "Dock" ?
Fisheye view: the centre of the patch looks bigger than the periphery... And by centre I mean centre of attention, which the user gets to pick.
the problem with fisheye view: it never works. basically you can try it out in the dock. the reason why it does not work lies in the fact that the area that gets bigger _always_ moves away from the curser when it does so. thus, the user clicks at the icon beside the highlighted. try it out. it sucks.
well, i abolished scrollbars in my PD GUI, as documented at http:// whats-your.name/pd/
I see. You are replacing them by exclusive usage of the scrollwheel?
one more solution would be to implement a "hand" as in quark xpress. i like scrollbars more.
so i guess user-settable pref is on order here..
user settable prefs are shifting the responsibility to the user. most users will not set them thus a reasonable default has to be chosen. they are an addition more than a solution.
lg martin