i'm developing a little something that consists of a gui-plugin and some library running on the pd-core side.
the gui plugin does not make any sense without the library loaded and vice-versa.
so i'm looking for the best way to a1) load an external from a gui-plugin OR a2) load a gui-plugin from an external AND/OR b) check from one side that the other side is initialized properly.
all of the above should not make any assumptions about the OS. all of the above should work without any nasty trace-back errors. instead, i would like to do the error-reporting myself (a traceback is cool for a dev; less so for a user)
ad a1) i was thinking about abusing one of the invisible template-canvases to instantiate a dummy object that triggers the library load (e.g. "_float_template"). are there any pitfalls that i should be aware of?
ad a2) the main reason or writing a GUI-plugin is to get rid of any tcl/tk hard-coded into the C-plugin. i guess sending a command like "load_plugin_script mycoolthing" is platform agnostic enough for my needs. however, it seems that the only way to load a plugin is currently by specifying the full filename: "load_plugin_script mycoolthing.tcl"; hmpf it also throws a nasty error if Pd cannot find the GUI-plugin:
Tcl) UNHANDLED ERROR: couldn't open "mycoolthing.tcl": no such file or
ad b) the basic idea is to have a ping-function on the *other* side, that replies with a "hi, i'm here" when called. so far i've found two options: b1) create a proc in the plugin, and call that directly from the core; or b2) have the GUI register a plugin-receiver that does the dispatching. unfortunately both solutions give me a backtrace when the GUI-plugin has not been instantiated (and the point of the exercise is to avoid a backtrace)