thanks guenter!
guenter geiger wrote:
- Filter the events in tk.
This seems to be an ugly hack, but the advantage you have is that it works will Millers pd version. You could implement an event handler in your library directly then.
yes, this is what I did in MouseState/mousefilter, and in the Scope~'s current version (to some extent). The tricky part is how to do it with a minimal overhead (avoiding duplication of the tk<->pd event stream).
- Change the code of the event handler in edit mode within pd and put the
changes in the CVS version. Then the externals stop working with the official version :(
2a) Do the same on the official version and send Miller the patch and wait until it gets integrated.
I do not like to mess in the Miller's code. I do not think it should be done without a clear view of an overall picture of what is going to happen in future releases, etc. Or, to put it differently, I do not feel like having the skills.
- Wait until Miller implements an interface to handle edit mode events.
want them now...
In general I think it is not hard to do from a development point of view.
right.. needs some thinking about backwards compatibility, though
thanks again, Krzysztof