On 2010-11-28 15:57, Roman Haefeli wrote:
On Sun, 2010-11-28 at 13:38 -0500, Martin Peach wrote:
On 2010-11-28 12:13, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
Hey Martin and all,
Just had a thought: originally everything in the 'mrpeach' folder was bundled into a single library, which I think Martin didn't really intend. I did it to get Martin's valuable code out there in a kind of beta way. Now I think its quite clear that the 'net' and 'osc' sections in 'mrpeach' are really the canonical way of doing networking and OSC with Pd
I'd hesitate to call using mrpeach/net the 'canonical' way. Last time I checked, there were still issues with many classes, in particular the blocking issue of [tcpsend]/[tcpclient]/[tcpserver] discussed in a plethora of mails. That's also the reason why IOhannes rewrote those and released them as the iemnet library. The classes from iemnet are high-performance and don't suffer from any blocking issue.
That's another reason they should be in net instead of mrpeach: it seems that having my name on the folder inhibits others from improving the objects, so we end up with multiple parallel incompatible objects, in this case with the same names.
(And when was the last time you checked?)