On Wed, 22 Jan 2003 bbogart@ryerson.ca wrote:
Hey Guenter,
I think that is a good idea. I have not looked at the source yet but integrating it would be complicated (at least beyond my current meager experience) Maybe I'll write one to figure it out and then see if I can integrate it into netsend proper. (may need help though!) here are the difference (from the user perspective):
multicast traffic is not send to a machine, but a "group" or room, this is defined as an IP/port pair. so there needs to be at least those two arguments to send and receive.
for receive your getting traffic from multiple hosts, so some facility to sort which host is which would be nice, I'm thinking a reference number prepended to each message for each host so you can use route to have different hosts effect different things. I think IPM (multicast protocol) has some ID stuff build in, but probably is the IP of the packet's source... sounds ugly in terms of routing but then you know who is sending what... Any ideas for a solution to that one?
Hmm, it would be nice not to change netreceives behaviour too much.
If you can figure out the IP, maybe you can use this to lookup the hostname, or you use the ip directly.
Currently netsend/netreceive support 2 protocols, TCP and UDP. You could add the multicast feature as a third protocol
netreceive 4000 0 --> TCP netreceive 4000 1 --> UDP netreceive 4000 2 --> Multicast
This way it is clear that the messages that come in have an additional prefix, the IP(or hostname), which is to be routed or dropped.
I am not a specialist in that, so there might be better solutions.
Of course, if you think that you can not do it with netsend/receive, you ahead and write a separate external. Somehow I have the feeling that you can reuse so many things from netsend, that you will end up reimplementing half of it.
I'll be starting more indepth research thursday, have to write me a little plain ol C version first!
----- Original Message ----- From: guenter geiger geiger@xdv.org Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 6:07 am Subject: Re: [PD-dev] multicast externals
Hi Ben,
Is there a way to include the feature in
netsend/netreceive proper ?
If so, please consider it an option. I am definitely against "yet another
netsend/netreceive pair",that
does the same but slightly different ....
On Tue, 21 Jan 2003 bbogart@ryerson.ca wrote:
Hello all,
Well I'm actually going to start the development
of a multicast
versions of netsend and netreceive. I also had a
few ideas of other
multicast objects, like AcessGrid access objects
etc. I wanted to
ask on the list who else is interested in
developing such objects
(Pat Pagano, you interested in AG video and audio
objects for PD?) How should I structure this in
CVS? Rather than a
seperate folder for eah of the externals perhaps a
mbone folder
which includes mnetsent mnetreceive and then other
objects to follow?
Any other opinions on the matter?
Thanks Ben
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