Hallo, Michael McGonagle hat gesagt: // Michael McGonagle wrote:
I have written some code that sends messages to various branches of other processing code. Two of these branches rely on each other, and I also need to make sure that one branch has completely executed prior to the other passing beyond a certain point.
Basically what I have done is to stick a 'delay 0' object in the "dependant" branch. Am I correct in that using this forces this branch to "postpone" itself, allowing the other branch to complete its code? This has been working for me, as I had hoped, but I was wondering if there is a better way to handle this.
First: Why didn't you just change the "one-two-three" triggers so that the rightmost one sends "two" and the middle one sends "one"? I guess, for analytical reasons, didn't you?
Then [delay 0] in theory should do just that: delay for no time, as if it weren't there. It obviously doesn't do that. In my eyes this is wrong and a bug. So I wouldn't rely on it for ordering of messages. It sure is better to order with trigger-objects.
I can see one problem with this if there is a dependancy of several branches. Short of having the code branches merge, is there some other way to achieve this? Are there such things as state flags or "semifores" in pd? (ie don't continue until "my-state" is true).
As I said: Why not order the branch at the root with the correct trigger ordering?