I have an external I've created that I've put into: /Users/alex/Documents/Pd/externals/jit_expr/ the binary is called "jit_expr.pd_darwin"
xnor-work:~/projects/perfect/center$ ls /Users/alex/Documents/Pd/externals/jit_expr/ LICENSE-parser LICENSE-pd LICENSE-xnor jit_expr-help.pd jit_expr.pd_darwin
In the binary, the externals themselves are named "jit/expr" "jit/expr~" and "jit/fexpr~"
On my work, osX machine, when I [declare -stdlib jit_expr] I then fail to create [jit/expr] On my home, linux machine, where my external folder is located at /home/alex/.local/lib/pd/externals/jit_expr and appropriately named jit_expr.pd_linux I succeed to create [jit/expr] after [declare -stdlib jit_expr]
Is this a bug am I not following some naming convention that I should be?
I could see wanting to put my external in a folder called "jit" and then naming them "expr", "expr~" etc but I could imagine "jit" is more likely to collide and so "jit_expr" seemed more reasonable. maybe I should just call the whole thing "jit_expr", and just call the objects "expr" etc without the prefix in the code and then be able to create [jit_expr/expr] with no declare because it'll be in the stdlib already? Am I confusing conventions that exist for single binary libraries with multiple objects and binaries with only one?
Either way, should I file a bug that the behavior isn't the same on osx and linux?
thanks, Alex