The emacs keybindings don't seem to be engaging on OS X. If I modify the following line in pdtk_text.tcl, I see the debug print output when I press <Control-a>, confirming that the binding fires -- but the cursor does not move.
if {$::windowingsystem eq "aqua"} { # emacs bindings for Mac OS X - $tkcanvas bind $mytag <Control-a> "$tkcanvas icursor $mytag 0" + $tkcanvas bind $mytag <Control-a> "puts {Checkpoint 1 secured.}; $tkcanvas icursor $mytag 0" $tkcanvas bind $mytag <Control-e> "$tkcanvas icursor $mytag end" }
I suspect this problem is related to why I'm having trouble getting a binding for <Return> to function correctly.
Any ideas on why either $tkcanvas or $mytag would be causing silent failures of these bound scripts?
Marvin Humphrey