On Apr 4, 2006, at 2:01 PM, B. Bogart wrote:
Irrespective of any (possible) awkwardness of naming we need to be able to debug the thing, maybe there are two build options, one for a final "stable" release, and a different "testing" build that allows debugging.
Ok, so I tried Jamie's instructions here. I used the name "Pd-0.39.2-extended-test1-pT-CVS" for the .app, and for the executable.
I also changed the CFBundleExecutable flag in Info.plist to the same name. CFBundleName was not in the plist so I added it, also with the same name.
After all that renaming gdb behaves the same as it did before, what did I miss? Do I need to add .app to the name in any of these places? (other than the obvious name of the .app itself)
Hopefully we're getting there...
...seems I forgot to mention something, because I do this thru XCode's gui: in the Debug menu there's an option to Attach, and from there you just select the process to attach to...one caveat here is that I find I need to have created a gem window before looking in the 'attach' list (I've filed a radar bug to apple)...
...ok, so assuming that you now have two processes (visible via 'top') running ("pd" & "Pd-0.39.2-extended-test1-pT-CVS"), you can also do the above xcode attach with "gdb --pid=PID", where PID is the pid of pd...then enjoy the wonders of gdb!