Would/Could python scripts aimed at PD tasks fit in here?
I'm not sure if I should wrap my python scripts into abstractions or not... abstractions would be easier to use, [dirlist] rather than [py pt dirlist] and the whole special message to py in the first inlet.
I suppose scripts that deal with the pdsend receive format could fit in there...
Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
I got no responses to this, but I thought I'd try again since IOhannes was talking about cleaning up the CVS.
Any objections?
Begin forwarded message:
*From: *Hans-Christoph Steiner <> *Date: *March 10, 2005 4:35:06 PM EST *To: *pd-dev <> *Subject: [PD-dev] "scripts" section of CVS X-Mailer: *Apple Mail (2.619.2) I am thinking of starting a "scripts" section of the CVS because I have written two handy scripts for Pd and there doesn't seem to be a logical place to put them in CVS. I have a /etc/init.d/pd SysV-style start/stop script and pd-diff, a rough idea of how to get useful results from diffing .pd files. Any objections, ideas, comments? .hc ____________________________________________________________________________ Man has survived hitherto because he was too ignorant to know how to realize his wishes. Now that he can realize them, he must either change them, or perish. -William Carlos Williams
There is no way to peace, peace is the way. -A.J. Muste