Pd calls exit instead of causing the scheduler to return is so that the result of quitting is immediate (not after the next "tick" processes, for instance.) This is probably not too important a difference, so if there
real advantages to exiting cleanly I can try it out that way. It's
to stop people from exiting uncleanly in other ways (task manager, for
so I never saw it as important to worry about that.
It's probably the only real reason, but an important one for me..... when the PD dynamic library is used from within another application, that is when s_entry.c is not used but replaced, this application has no control over PD exiting, which may be important for cleanup. I tried using atexit handlers but that it is too limited. I don't think that the delay of soft quitting compared to exit is ever noticeable, is it?
best greetings, Thomas