all have been reproduced in 0.37-1test6
BUG #17 crash when receiver breaks a tcp connection from netsend to netreceive
If there is a tcp connection established from netsend to netreceive, and the receiving end quits (or crashes), then the sender tends to crash when trying to talk to the other end.
Plain closing of the receiving patch may crash both ends, e.g. if the patch is reopened (this might need another PR).
BUG #18 [makefilename <%s-pattern>] crash
Crash when sending a float to [makefilename <%s-pattern>].
BUG #19 'menuclose' crash
Crash when sending 'pd-<name>.pd menuclose', if more than one <name>.pd is open.
BUG #20 setting the gop flag may lead to crashes
Crash when opening a gop after transforming it from a non-gop in certain ways (details in How-To-Repeat field).
BUG #21 self-destruction crash
Crash if sending to a target causes it to perform self-destruction.
BUG #22 message 'receive' to iemguis broken, causing crashes
Message 'receive' to iemguis is broken. This has two consequences:
1. since the new target is not bound, the object cannot be reached remotely anymore;
2. since the old target is never unbound, sending to that target after object's destruction (patch closing, etc.) crashes Pd.
The immediate reason is that in iemgui_receive(), the condition
if(strcmp(rcv->s_name, iemgui->x_rcv->s_name))
is always false due to the previous
iemgui->x_rcv = rcv = canvas_realizedollar(iemgui->x_glist, rcv);
Not sure, whether this message should be patched or removed, though -- self-rebinding is not yet safe in Pd.