On Sun, 6 Feb 2005, Thomas Grill wrote:
Looks like a bug. I never fully understood the usage of sleep in the pd scheduler, because sleep timer resolution is never smaller than 10 ms under Linux. Thats why pd under linux always did blocking read/writes, using the soundcard as a timer.
But if this were the case, doesn't that mean that message processing would have a granularity of 10 ms? Or, under linux, does it never really sleep, because the DACs "have slept"?
The granularity is not affected by the timing, as the granularity depends on when the messages are processed, every dac block. It affects how events from the outside arrive, though, like mouse, keyboard or MIDI.
As the pd scheduler is one thread only, it doesn't matter so much where the system is sleeping, in the audio I/O or somewhere else.
Anyhow, I am pretty sure that there is still a lot room for improvement in Pd's timing.
greetings, Thomas