I looked at [pdlua] last week, and was quite impressed by the examples there, and how it's easy to create new externals that go beyond pd's capabilities (for example to parse lists and symbols, etc.) - provided you learn about lua.
I wanted to use this in a project, but in the website - http://claudiusmaximus.goto10.org/cm/2008-06-19_pdlua-0.5_released.html - there's only instructions to compile in linux. Since the developer isn't responding to my mails, I wanted to know if it's possible to get this working on other plattforms. So I wanted to ask around:
- does anyone has any already built binaries of pdlua for windows and macos?
- since I guess the answer is going to be no, is anyone interested in helping me trying to compile pdlua in these systems? Although since I have limited access to macos, and never compiled anything on windows, "helping me" means telling me what to do, which dependencies to get, etc.
- this project is something that should work on all plattforms, and, in the future also in android (when pd for android is also that far). can anyone say something about the feasibility of porting pdlua to android? [I cannot evaluate the dumbness of this question]
I would like to use pdlua, but if it's not a feasible solution, I'll ask instead someone to write a C external for me.