On Jul 1, 2009, at 8:02 AM, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
glerm soares wrote:
hi, where is [canvasobjectposition] ?
it's in iemguts.
I could not find it. I am using pd-extended 0.41
afaik iemguts are not included in Pd-extended ieven if they were, [canvasobjectposition] would not be included, as it was only published (and written) after PdX-0.41 was released.
you have to grab it from source and compile it on your own...
Once you are ready for a stable release with iemguts, it would be nice to have it in Pd-extended. Please add it when you are ready (should just be a matter of adding 'iemguts' to the TARGETS in externals/ Makefile).
It could be added to the nightly builds for now, then we can make the call whether to include it in the 0.42 release when that time comes.
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