The [str] object contains the other functions, you can see them in str.c in /externals/mrpeach/str. Should they be public? I was thinking of an object like [list] which has selectors for various functions. Of course, any external can use t_strings once they are supported by pd.
Most important would be the functions to construct and destroy strings out of C strings, since there is some memory allocation involved. That must be part of core pd, so that they are consistent. I'll yet have to look into your str object to see how all of this is actually used.
Some other issues are lying around, such as what is the largest possible string. I used MAXPDSTRING but I think that there should be no limit -- string objects should be ready to handle strings that are longer than they have memory for, without crashing.
Yes, i wouldn't restrict that either.
greetings, Thomas
-- Thomas Grill