I don't know if any of the active pure:dyne packagers are on this list, but I thought I'd try. From what I have seen, it looks like pure:dyne is doing a much better job of making .deb packages than Pd- extended. I would be great to 'officially' merge efforts so that we don't duplicate work. Then we can make some really nice, proper packages and get them into Debian. DebConf 2010 is in NYC, and I'll be helping to run it, so it would be great to have all this in Debian by then. Plus, it seems that Guenter has less time for the Debian packages, so things like the pd-externals package has lapsed.
It seems to me that the next step would be to get the pure:dyne stuff into pure-data SVN, then make any tweaks to it to make it work with Pd- extended too.
Mistrust authority - promote decentralization. - the hacker ethic