Hi List,
The Windows-only ttk::combobox dropdown font issue is known in the Tcl/Tk community and actually fixed for version 8.6.
The search phrase field is a ttk::combobox that displays the problem. The genre selector is also a ttk::combobox but additional code fixes the font issue. Both can be fixed by adding just one line: 'option add *font menufont'.
BTW, the search phrase field functionality is very close to that of the "Tcl:" field in the main window. This latter field uses an Entry widget to optionally display a list of previous entries.
There is still another problem with the search phrase field; suppressing the arrow at the right side does not work for Windows. The issue does not seem to be in the Tk sourceforge tracker.
Fred Jan
P.S. The actual ttk::combobox font issue: 2011-03-24 (bug fix)[3239768] Win menu font support (wehle) (Called a bug here, but in the Tk sourceforge tracker it is filed as a patch). It appears to be fixed with 8.6 and all 8.5 versions are considered obsolete by Tcl/Tk developers.