Summary: Sending a list to [select] can leave it in an unusable state
Initial Comment: A [select] object primed with a symbol argument will reset itself into an unusable state by sending it a list with at least two elements.
Attached patch illustrates this behaviour using a [select x]-object. Sending a message [symbol x( will normally make the left outlet generate a bang. However sending a message [list x y( will disturb the [select x] object, so that it will not correctly react to a second [symbol x( message, until reset by a [symbol x( message to its rigth inlet.
well, actually it behaves like a lot of (native!) objects with a cold inlet. when sending a [list x y( to [select x] you will re-set the selector to "y"; it is the same as sending a "y" to the right inlet and then an x to the left inlet. the same functionality can be found in [pack] and [line]. (in theory even [f] behaves like that...)
however, i agree that this should be documented somewhere or turned off. (i tend towards the latter as it makes symbol comparision more inline with [==])
mfg.adr IOhannes