i'd be interested in having a set of abstractions based on the elementary filters, not on having more externals, since i believe that those would be pedagogically more valuable and also would allow to modify them for the own needs (for example turning a certain control input into a signal inlet). personally i would love to see the ggee/filters/* as abstractions. i don't see any advantage in them being externals (i intentionally neglect the in my opinion neglectible speed difference here). in contrary: to me they equal closed source.
please point me to some elementary filter based filters, if you know some. i'd be glad to catalog them and give them an unique interface.
On Fri, 2007-12-21 at 21:47 -0800, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
There are lots of filters implemented already, so you don't actually need to know how to implement them to make a library. You just need to catalog them and define an interface.
On Dec 21, 2007, at 5:33 PM, Roman Haefeli wrote:
while we are discussing an oscillator lib, i would like to seed the idea of creating a filter library as well. there are already a bunch of filters in iemlib and also some 'coefficient calculators' for [biquad~] in ggee, but the recently introduced elementary filters provide a potential, that seems to be not fully used yet. the only example i know is a peakfilter in one of millers examples. unfortunately my knowledge about filter design is still too limited to create them myself.
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