for your information: The OSCroute object in CVS has a slight change in its behaviour compared to earlier versions. This change actually shouldn't affect anyone (besides me) because it removed a feature that was undocumented anyways. (Earlier versions of OSCroute allowed wildcards in the test-pattern like /s* which was matching /sequence as well.)
The current version does not match things like /seq on /s* anymore. The only wildcard allowed in the test-pattern is the string "/*" which splits off the first path component.
Note that all kinds of wildcards in the incoming message are of course still allowed and evaluated.
The second issue is regarding the licence of some files. These pd-specific source files still have the non-profit clause in it, which makes them non-free:
OSCroute.c dumpOSC.c htmsocket.c sendOSC.c
I'd like to remove that clause and replace it with the upstream (Matt's) free license. So please if you contributed to one of these files, speak up now.
I'd also like to suggest to make the Sourceforge OSC for Pd the canonical OSC for Pd. There already are several imporant changes done only there, I believe.
If someone (Bryan?) isn't a Sourceforge developer yet but wants to directly update Pd-OSC just ask on pd-dev or me directly to get a dev account for Pd-CVS.
That's it for now.