Hallo, B. Bogart hat gesagt: // B. Bogart wrote:
State-saving (pdjimmies, or RRadical or...?) has been planned for pixelTANGO. pixelTANGO uses interpolation on all controllers so it is possible to treat each ~ state as a keyframe and actually animate using them. On of the suggestions from potential users was the ability to not only save states, but actually recoded a parameter change over time and then be able to loop, stretch and play it back.
Interpolation is something I talked about with Cyrille at the convention and definitely something, I'd like to somehow integrate into Memento. However I haven't yet thought about a way that is "stupid" enough for general use here. How are you (intending to) doing it?
Of course it would be great if state-saving was built right into PD.
I had this crazy idea when talking with Miller about this, that it could be nice to extend the basic data type objects like "float" with a OSC-tag. Instead of [float 0] ony would write [float 0 /freq], [f 0 $1/freq] or even [f 0 $0/freq] to make that float value state-saveable and accessible through some OSC inlet or sender. Then the currently nessecary [commun] objects could go away, and [originator] and [caretaker] could become an ext-/internal.