There are different core versions of pd: vanilla (miller's), devel, extended, desiredata. Then there are all of the externals, docs, etc. Pd-extended includes all this stuff as part of each release so everything is then added to the pd-extended release branch. The externals, docs, etc. in the Pd-extended release branch then gets tweaks to make sure it all works well together as a package.
So if you want the whole tested, integrated Pd-extended package, you should use everything from the Pd-extended release branches.
On Aug 12, 2009, at 8:04 PM, Tim Jones wrote:
As the Gentoo pd-overlay is a little moldy, I was planning on fixing some up some of the ebuilds. I was a little bit confused by all the overlap in svn, though. What's the difference between the trunk and the pd-devel branch? pd-overlay also seemingly offers two choices: build pd-extended (with all its externals) in one process, or build pd-devel (or a numbered version of pd, src from M. Puckette's site) and then build the plugins seperately, one by one. Would there be any significant difference between these two approaches? I like the modularity of the latter, having seperate ebuilds for each plugin. Also, what would be the best place in svn to get src for the externals themselves? /trunk/externals?
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