A_DEFFLOAT and A_DEFSYM arguments are optional and default to 0 resp. an empty symbol. A_FLOAT and A_SYMBOL, on the other hand, are mandatory and Pd will print an error if you omit them in the method call.
On 06.08.2021 14:53, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
Em qui., 5 de ago. de 2021 às 18:33, Christof Ressi <info@christofressi.com mailto:info@christofressi.com> escreveu:
Hi Matt, if you mix A_FLOAT / A_DEFFLOAT and A_SYM / A_DEFSYM in any Pd method definition (not just the "new" method!), the arguments are rearranged so that in the actual C function signature all the symbol arguments come first.
what's the difference between A_FLOAT / A_DEFFLOAT and A_SYM / A_DEFSYM? thanks