Hey Krzysztof,
Thanks for contributing this.
Maybe I'm just too tired but I'm having trouble imagining the structure of the index file. something like:
counter-help.pd control sound
Could put the counter-help in both the control and sound catagories?
Any developer added catagories would be automagically added to the list?
I was thinking that a short description of each entry (help-file) would be very handy to show when searching. Since the name of the object/extra may not be meaningful. So lets say we have DESCRIPTION KEYWORDS CATAGORY in the template. The patch parsing script could: (in sketchy pseudo tcl)
set path /extra/ # all libs and all *-help.pd files should be here. cd $path set help_files [glob *-help.pd] # list -help files. set help_index 0 foreach help_file $help_files { set FILENAME($help_index) $help_file set id [open $help_file r] set help_contents [read $id] close $id
foreach help_line [split $help_contents "\n"] { # loop over lines foreach help_feild [list DESCRIPTION KEYWORDS CATAGORY] if ($help_line contains $help_feild) { # Extract from $help_feild to ";" put in variable value
# Create a different array for each feild set $help_feild($help_index) $value } } }
incr help_index
# generate index file (is this needed if we rebuild on PD start?) }
# The searching could look something like:
# the forloop could be changed for the array searching functions for {set i 0} {$i < [array size KEYWORDS]} {incr i} { if {[string match -nocase $KEYWORDS($i) $keyword_search]} { # create a nice output list of matches $w.listbox insert end "$FILENAME($i)\t$DESCRIPTION($i)" } }
# Generating the help menu could contain something like:
# generate list of unique catagories foreach catagory $catagories { # generate list of help files for this catagory in $w.menu.$catagory $w.menu add cascade -label $catagory -menu $w.menu.$catagory }
Notes: -help files COULD be also PDDP all_about_* patches. Any patches in the correct folder(s) with the right feilds would be searchable.
The code above depends on each -help file containing all three Feilds.
Anyhow its just a sketch of how things could work. I've put this on the wiki: https://puredata.org/Members/bbogart/SimpleImplimentation
I agree with HC that we should only depend on tcl/tk for the searching system.
Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
On Apr 27, 2005, at 4:46 AM, Krzysztof Czaja wrote:
Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote: ...
A simple set of keywords would be easiest to implement to start with. Then we can test the basic idea out, and see whether its worthwhile to invest a lot of time coding an dynamic, flexible keyword system.
dynamic is easier... in tcl it could be
while {[gets $ch line] >= 0} { if {[regexp $skipbadentries $line] == 0} { ;# for safety set helpfile [lindex $line 0] foreach c [lrange $line 1 end] { lappend categories($c) $helpfile } } }
which might be fed by
find . -name "*-help.pd" -exec awk \ '/KEYWORDS/ {print FILENAME substr($0,index($0,"KEYWORDS")+9)}' {} ;
Looks good, except find and awk are not standard on Windows. If we are doing to make a dynamic system, it should be dynamic at run time, not just build time. It should run whenever Pd starts so that user-added patches are also included.
And I don't think we want to start making Pd dependent on find and awk.
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