I'd like to propose an idea for organizing all of the objects, instead of placing everything directly in "extra" and "doc/5.reference". Everything that is aimed to be a standard part of Pd would go in "extra" and "5.reference". Then objects that have conflicted names, objects that are deprecated, or cyclone/Max-compatibility objects would go into their own folders. When someone wants to use these objects, they can add then directories using -path and -helppath.
Here's an outline:
- "cyclone" objects that are only for Max compatibility ([Borax~], [coll], [mousefilter], etc.) T
- For name conflicts, there would be library-specific folders: - "gem" [counter], [scale], [average], [change] - "cxc" [prepend], [counter], [split] - "iem" [gate], [prepend], [speedlim] - "maxlib" [speedlim], [borax], [scale], [split]
- "deprecated" would be for deprecated objects, like [linuxjoystick], etc. - there could be subdirectories for specific things like "Gem"
I think this layout would solve a number of problems, and be relatively easy to implement.
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"Computer science is no more related to the computer than astronomy is related to the telescope." -Edsger Dykstra