Heya, I switched this to IRC and got some help there. The solution for my particular problem was to compile iemmatrix as a single library and add it to the startup arguments. The underlying problem is that it's probably an incompatibility between the version of iemmatrix that is included in pd-extended and the version of hexloader, which should handle this kind of library naming.
On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 4:36 PM, Lee Azzarello lee@rockingtiger.com wrote:
I'm trying to load an object named [mtx_*~]
I have the proper load path installed. I can load other objects in the same directory. If I look for the library in that directory (/usr/lib/pd/extra/iemmatrix), I find a file named mtx_0x2a0x7e.pd_linux. The hex translates to *~ in ASCII. So this should be the proper library to load for the [mtx_*~] object, right?
I'm unaware of how to debug this since it looks like I'm doing things right.