Tom Schouten wrote:
Sounds great Tom. I'd be glad to help out with the hardware, or some PIC assembly code when it comes time.
you by chance don't have some midi handling uart code for the 18f452
around? just midi in and out. something like that could serve as the guts for a very tiny interpreter to get it bootstrapped.
this is a cut and past from code made for 16F87x i think this should be compatible for 18Fxxx... (???)
on this exemple receving is not made by interuption, so you have to pool the rcv subroutine. i hope you'll understand my french comment.
this is just sending and receving midi bytes and not messages.
fell free to ask me question about pic (never used 18F, but I used 16F a lot)
I also can help for the hardware part, pcb and maybe some asm.
initialisation ;--------------- ; configuration du port TX / RX BSF STATUS, RP0 ; select bank1 bsf TRISC, 7 bsf TRISC, 6 ; pour permettre l'utilisation de ces pattes par l'USART
movlw .39 movwf SPBRG ; initialisation de la frequence
movlw b'00100100' movwf TXSTA ; initialisation du port TX
BCF STATUS, RP0 ; select bankO
movlw b'10010000' movwf RCSTA ; mise en route du port serie
movf RCREG, W movf RCREG, W ; purge du buffer de reception serie
; envoie le mot 8 bits de W en midi ; utilise le port TX du Pross
rgstr_plein btfss PIR1, TXIF goto rgstr_plein ; le registre d'envoie est plein, il faut attendre movwf TXREG ; on charge la valeur a envoyer ds le bon registre
return ; c'est deja fini !
;------------------------------------------------------------ rcv btfsc PIR1, RCIF ; test de presence de message ds le buffer de reception goto rcv2 ; appelle du traitement de reception d'un message movlw .0 ; w=0 qd le buffer de reception est vide return
rcv2 movf RCREG, W ; on met dans W le message reçu movwf midi_oct ; on le sauve pour le traitrer movlw .1 ; w=1 ->buffer plein return
I could also design a printed circuit board if it helps.
alright. a standard board included in the package :)
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