I have a problem with fully freeing the linuxevent object. If I open an event device file, say /dev/input/event3 with linuxevent and then do not close the device correctly by either deleting the linuxevent object, or sending it a "close" message, I cannot claim the device again later.
This happens, if I close Pd with the Quit message or the window manager buttons. The only way to reclaim a device - a Contour ShuttleXpress - I found is by unplugging it, removing various kernel modules (hid, evdev) with rmmod and then plugging the device back in.
I suppose, that the linuxevent's linuxevent_free method isn't called, when Pd is closed. Could this be? Of course I can work around all this by properly closing the device descriptor by hand, but this won't help for example, when Pd crashed.