Thomas Grill schrieb:
When oggcast crashes while it is running alone (with no other threaded externals around), this would mean that the main and child thread collide, wouldn't it? This should be solvable by a mutex inside your external.
Hi Thomas,
well, I have a mutex inside it! And I couldn't really reproduce these crashes but removing the clock_delay() call from the child thread solved the problem. Now it runs for weeks without crashing. The function that is called by clock_delay() from the _main_ thread of course locks the mutex before doing anything else.... (I actually call the same function, just from the main thread instead).
Concerning thread-safe PD... what functions do we want to be thread-safe? For my part, i really only need clock_set, since all other issues are handled by flext.
Yes, I think that would be enough. And it would be very cool! ;-)