Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
place in the above condition, where its needed. Here are some libraries affected: ann, chaos, beatpipe, cxc, ekext, ext13, jackx, k_cext, k_jack~, OSC, pidip, signal, sprinkler, svf~ unauthorized, zexy, zhzxh~.
i am not convinced yet that i want to have the helpsymbols removed from zexy. (this does not mean i am totally against it, but i will need some consideration on my side; there's no use arguing with me on that ;-))
Here are some that are affected, but maintained outside of the pure-data CVS (therefore I can't change): gridflow, iemmatrix, iemlib.
how comes you think that iemmatrix is maintained outside of the sf-CVS? (just because tm is co-author doesn't mean it is)
Here's the sed script for those who want to do it themselves:
sed -i.bak 's|class_sethelpsymbol(.*class, *gensym(.*));||' *.c
note that the "-i" flag is GNU-sed only. and i didn't know you can use pipe as delimiter for the expression. each day you have something to learn ;-)
mfg.as.r IOhannes