Thanks Charles and Martin! I forgot the connection between pointers and array math-- that's very helpful.
Two questions below:
From: Martin Peach To: Jonathan Wilkes Cc: pd-dev List Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 9:29 AM Subject: Re: [PD-dev] shared class data and functions
It seems like I should be able to do this but I can't figure out all the pointer bs.
Something like (t_foo *)x->member, or ((t_bar *)x)->member?
First, I noticed that I get a warning if I write the function to take an argument of type t_object *x and I send it one of type t_theobjectname *x. So I'm guessing I should probably go back to my function calls and explicitly cast to t_object*, is that right?
Second, (t_foo *)x->member will give me an error: "t_text has no member named x_member". I don't understand why, because the following works:
t_foo *blah = (t_foo *)x; blah->member etc...