Hallo, guenter geiger hat gesagt: // guenter geiger wrote:
On Fri, 15 Oct 2004, Frank Barknecht wrote:
You miss one central feature of OSC: pattern matching. This is very useful, as I can access lots of values at the same time:
"/sequencer/volume* 100" will set all 64 volume sliders to 100.
I see, but that can be solved. "route" could be changed to do pattern matching.
I would generally have no problem with replacing the OSC-messages for rrad-internal messages with lists.
But I would need to solve another thing: The fact, that OSC message targets are just a single atom in Pd, and not a list, while they still can describe hierarchies of e.g. abstractions.
This is very useful, if you want to "pack" lists into abstraction arguments. $1 in OSC lingo can be "/myabs/synths/fm/carrier" whereas [route]-lingo would need $1-4 for the same: "myabs synths fm carrier".
Now someone might suggest to pack the 4-element list with something like "list2symbol" in advance. But in fact that only brings us back to OSC formatted messages. ;)