the thing that you reported this to me today, and the autobuild system is few monthes old, tells me that too little people are using devel_. and most devel_ users are on linux ...
my comments on trying to use devel_0_38 were hidden ina CVS message:
hi tim i tried to make tim_0_38 work properly for that windows volctl~ you asked about.. but patching to ix_0_38 , pd.ini won't load: . open: No such file or directory . No such file or directory and toxy is broken and the gui spews errors like this a lot: . Pd: buffer space wasn't sufficient for long GUI string so, you can try. :D it compiles at least..(and works fine with miller_0_39 (CVS HEAD))
also, it froze for several seconds when opening patches, which seemed strange (of course they never opened properly due to the half-drawn GUI...) however even wtih millers PA19-ASIO the audio worked...
i even think that providing precompiled releases of devel_ from time to time would improve the user feedback ...
also, completely unrelated. if we've got to undo the midi revolution, why do the gui objects default to a 0-127 range, instead of 0.0-1.0 or something?