Hallo, Guenter Geiger hat gesagt: // Guenter Geiger wrote:
On Wed, 20 Jul 2005, Frank Barknecht wrote:
However Lobjects is a really huge collection of list operations, some of which might be better off as being implemented in externals (for now).
The idea should be to be able to do all list handling without externals. One approach to this would be to think about how to implement typical operations with the set of proposed messages as abstraction.
Yes, I agree. For that a complete set of basic operations would be very useful. Probably there already is some theory available about this somewhere. Will the real IT students/scientists please stand up?
Someone wants to try "sort" ? Who knows, maybe there is an elegant counter like implementation, bubblesort, quicksort .. or should sort be part of the list API ?
[zl] also has "union" and "sect" which remove duplicates rsp. sends out only common elements in two lists.
[zl] has another interesting property: It is possible to dynamically change the mode of operation. E.g. [zl join] joins two lists. But if you send a "mode slice 2" to it, it will transform itself to be a list slicer (and send out the first 2 elements and the rest). This could be handy, though I'm not if it isn't a bit too smart.