hi august,
t_symbol* args of a method handler are to be declared first -- that is how they are passed to it by the Pd message parser. So, although 'blah' does actually expect messages of the form 'test <float> <symbol>', as specified in class_addmethod(), still the handler's prototype needs to be (note the 'static' spec too):
static void blah_func(t_blah *x, t_symbol *s, t_float f)
Wonder, if this is covered in any docs?
august wrote: ...
can I not mix a float and a symbol in a function? when I write a the
void blah_func(t_blah *x, t_float f, t_symbol *s)
class_addmethod(blah_class, (t_method)blah_func, gensym("test"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFSYMBOL,0);