hi Ben,
toxy widget stuff ``proves the concept'' more than does anything else, currently (although I do use it in my work). Or... even worse -- what is it going to prove most likely, unless a set of well-integrated widget types is defined, is the common wisdom of tcl/tk being a nostalgic toy for old-style hackers... Now, about the text widget --
B. Bogart wrote: ...
I'm having some troubles with text entry though. I've hacked the example using an entry widget and replaced it with a text widget, which works great, except for a couple issues, multiple spaces and carrige returns are not preserved, and the result is wrapped in {} braces. I'd like to use this with
PS: What exactly does: eval .<[.- get ].> do? I'm trying to add a string
it evaluates the contents of .<.> brackets, and sends the result to the pd side. That result is parsed into atoms, and comes out of the left outlet of a widget, or any of its tows.
Actually, ".<xxx.>" should be equivalent to "pd .| _cb xxx .`.:", but in case of a multi-word result it is not, due to an extra level of grouping, which is a bug.
(The sequence .| above is resolved to the pd target bound to the widget object, and its tows).
Since .- is resolved as the widget's pathname, the contents in the entry widget example (.- get) specifies the Tk command "pathName get", without arguments. Which works for the entry, but a text widget needs explicit indices (e.g. ".- get 1.0 end" for the entire text, or even ".- get 0.end end", to prevent pd from parsing 1.0 as the number 1).
One way of dealing with line breaks could be defining a @float handler and getting each line separately by sending a float to the widget or its tow. The "string map" command may be used to glue the space chars, preventing pd from parsing them as atom separators. Thus this line
@float pd .| _cb [string map .(" " ".`.` ".) [.- get .#1.0 .#1.end]] .`.:
would be the simplest definition of a handler, to be put in a .wid file, or triggered by a loadbang.
In order to get the current number of lines, through [r nlines], the widget object (or, better, its tow), should be sent:
tot pd nlines [expr [.- index end] - 1] .`.:
Obviously, text widget does not integrate well into toxy, without much more effort: one has to disable special chars, define a mechanism for preserving state across unmap/map events, etc.