I'm fine with branching master, (hard) resetting back to a previous point, merging/cherry-picking portaudio fixes, tagging 0.53-2, then doing a force push. As long as everyone knows ahead of time, we can do a force pull afterwards. Yes, it's best avoided, but is sometimes be needed.
Afterwards, maybe current development can be in the branch until ready, ie. feature/multi-channel or develop/0.54, etc?
On Feb 6, 2023, at 12:00 PM, pd-dev-request@lists.iem.at wrote:
Message: 2 Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2023 09:44:36 +0100 From: IOhannes m zmoelnig <zmoelnig@iem.at mailto:zmoelnig@iem.at> To: pd-dev@lists.iem.at mailto:pd-dev@lists.iem.at Subject: [PD-dev] branch names (was Re: figuring out how to get everything merged) Message-ID: <47a595e9-4e0a-12fb-1432-41803fc6c8a8@iem.at mailto:47a595e9-4e0a-12fb-1432-41803fc6c8a8@iem.at> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
On 2/5/23 22:37, Miller Puckette via Pd-dev wrote:
Yep, I originally made a "0.53" branch but then messed it up so badly I had to start over - and thought it better to change the name to avoid confusion.
i see. it seems like the "avoid confusion" did not utterly succeed though ;-)
-------- Dan Wilcox @danomatika http://twitter.com/danomatika danomatika.com http://danomatika.com/ robotcowboy.com http://robotcowboy.com/