I'm one of the maintainers of the Pure Data CVS at Sourceforge (pure-data.sf.net). The repository also includes an OSC external for Pd which is based on the CNMAT example code in: http://cnmat.cnmat.berkeley.edu/OpenSoundControl/src/ although an older version.
Recently it was brought to our attention, that much of the the code on the CNMAT OSC site - contrary to the text on the OSC homepage - is *not* distributed under an open source license, but instead restricts use to "educational, research, and not-for-profit purposes". Any other use, for example distribution of the source code on Linux distribution CDs or whatever, is prohibited by the OSC code license.
Now, as the OSC code doesn't come with a README including the license, but instead requires users to read the source code to find out about the "non-free"-ness and the usage restrictions, we made the mistake of including the OSC for Pd code in the Sourceforge CVS. (Mistake, because Sourceforge requires an open source license for hosted projects.)
As OSC is a very useful protocol (who am I telling this) we would still like to maintain a somehow Max-compatible set of OSC externals for Pd. But the license of the upstream code now forces us to either a) reimplement the protocol as real open source externals, probably using Steve's GPL'd liblo or b) wait for a change of the upstream code's license, which would of course spare us a lot of work.
Now my question is: Will the OSC code in above URL get an open source compatible license in the forseeable future?
Thank you for your help.